Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 3

Prayerwalking…Clearing Stones and Leveling the Land

We spent our morning doing school programs again but the afternoon was devoted to prayerwalking. Prayerwalking is the single greatest spiritual weapon in the modern missions movement. Every country that has had new work established in the last 30 years has done so beginning with prayerwalking. It is basically praying on site in a small group as you walk through the area allowing the sites and sounds and smells to be used by the Holy Spirit to direct the intercession.

I had no idea what we were in for when we divided into groups and were led through the entire Luzira area beginning at the front door of the church. We had trained our groups before leaving San Antonio on warfare praying to identify and break the strongholds and spiritual principalities in Luzira. There were two recurring themes which we believe revealed the strongholds in this area; witchcraft and alcoholism. One group walked by the home of a known witchdoctor that is known to skin goats alive and release them into the area streets. As they walked by they prayed for this evil to cease and for Jesus Christ to be revealed to the family involved. One group led by a compassionate African lady walked to a nearby medical facility to pray. Upon arriving they realized that it was the only existing government mental health facility in the entire country of Uganda. Many of the mental disorders are attributed to abuse by the witchdoctors who are consulted by family members and in the end are given dangerous concoctions of drugs that cause permanent brain damage. They prayed that the demons of witchcraft would be expelled from the area and that the witchdoctors would be discredited.

Alcoholism is also rampant. It was amazing to hear one of our dear Ugandan friends praying over his own neighborhood because alcoholism has driven dozens of families from their normal homes to the slums which are disease infested and unsafe.

Please, Please take time today to join us in praying over these heart-wrenching issues which have a stranglehold on this community. Greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world. We have a lot to learning about praying…but we are on the journey now.

1 comment:

Laurie McMillen said...

Cannot read your blog without tears of joy for those who have found Him through your introductions to Jesus and tears of sadness for the ravages of that country and its people, some without hope. It is an awesome time and in some cases only eternity will all the stories be shared! Praise God for all the work and love you all are able to bestow, may God bless you with energy, health and joy as you serve!