Saturday, July 17, 2010

Celebration for Sponsored Children

Approximately 160 of the 180 Children sponsored by CHFBC came together today at Luzira Community Church to receive gifts packed by our church with great creativity and lots of love. Last year when we were here these kids were on the other side of the fence...looking in...wishing they would have a chance to have a nice uniform and warm meals on a regular basis and the chance to learn. I must have asked at least 50 children today if they liked school and every single one responded with a big smile and a grateful statement about how wonderful it is. For a few moments there I tried to picture myself asking any 50 children in the states that same question.

And even as we were laughing and meeting our kids and watching them eat a warm meal of beef and beans and rice, there were other kids hanging on the fence outside the church compound. Our church currently meets in the very middle of a slum and so the chances of these children receiving an education apart from our continuing to adopt them out to families in our area is slim to none.

It was so awesome to watch our team members when they saw their sponsored child for the first time. I will not forget my first hug today from Joshua the little boy our family is sponsoring. It was so fun to hold him and play with him and explain how that in his gift bag were letters to him from my three "other" sons.

The amazing thing was that after the long arduous task of calling out each name several times and locating the kids that hours into this ordeal they were still sitting quietly with their gift bags in hand and THEY HAD NOT OPENED THEM! That's right- they sat with their gifts and admired what they could see through the clear freezer bags but I did not see a single child disobey their teachers instructions to only open their bag at home.

We cried tonight as we sat around the table at dinner and thought about the day and about all the opportunities and challenges that we face and mostly about what God is already doing to each of our own hearts.

It looks like God is going to keep a promise he made to me when I became Missions Pastor several years ago and started planning trips like this one: "You will never bring home the same people you take overseas!"


Anonymous said...

How wonderful for those sweet children! "A happy heart is a thankful heart." May we always be as thankful for every tiny little thing as those precious children are. So glad things are going well! ~Annie and Travis J.

Martin Family said...

O how sweet it is to see and here about your wonderful day! The pictures are priceless. Thanks Dad for giving Ritah her gift, It brings tears to my eyes to see how happy she is THANK YOU JESUS ♥. Take care and stay safe we love and are prayin for all of ya'll. :)

Unknown said...

I love these pictures. You guys and gals are on my mind and in my heart every second of the day.