Saturday, July 17, 2010

Here Safe & Sound

We were so excited when our feet finally touched African soil that I almost kissed the ground! But, for you health conscious types I do want you to know that I refrained.
We are settled in our beautiful guest house Adonai 1 arriving in the wee hours of this morning. It is a very secure compound with a 24 hour armed guard in a safe area that has had no problems with unrest or crime in general.
It is so modern and ornate that we almost forgot we were in Africa…until they told us that a main water line had broken and that after 24 hours of traveling that the showers were not working.
I was so proud of our team. It was hard news to hear but I did not hear one negative comment. Our devotion this morning was from 1 Thessalonians 5 which contains my second favorite “two word verse” in the Bible; “Rejoice always”. (second only to “Jesus wept”.”
We have been like bees this morning buzzing around unpacking the 18 foot lockers filled with bibles, and arts and crafts and the gifts that each of you so lovingly packed for the kids of Luzira who have been sponsored by our church.
Kat and Brenda and Beth are leading the way in getting all of this organized for our celebration this afternoon where we will get to personally give a gift to every sponsored child.
Without you, this could not happen and we promise to give a hug in your name to every child as well.
Thank you for sending us and praying for us moment by moment.
God Bless,
p.s. Oh yes…I almost forgot to tell you that the very first person we met at the airport was a police officer named Joseph. He was so friendly and asked Stephen and I if we might have a bible he could have. We shared Jesus with him and he prayed to receive Christ right there in front of the security station. Praise the Lord…He has already been at work with several of our team sharing Christ on the airplane.


Martin Family said...

Hey Everyone, So glad to hear from ya'll!! What an awesome start to some amazing things that will happen while your there:) I can't wait for pictures and stories of the children recieving their gifts. WHAT A BLESSING for everyone giving and recieving. I can only imagine their little smiles ☺. Please stay safe and give a shout out to My Dad and Ryan Love ya'll ♥

rick elizondo said...

Hey Blanca and everyone on the TEAM!!!! I am soooo glad that ya'll made it safely to AFRICA. Can't wait to hear and see all the wonderful pictures of the things that GOD is going to do over the next week. BLANCA!!! I miss you and the house is clean even after our men's gathering last night.:) We prayed for you guys. LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!!!!!

Unknown said...

God is Good. Wish I were there!