Thursday, July 15, 2010

We're On the Way!

What a sendoff! It's always such a blessing to have so many people get up soooo early to come and pray for us as we leave on a mission adventure. Special thanks to all of you who came. Pastor read Psalm 91 over us and it has become a blanket of grace for our group.

We are about to board a flight to Chicago then it's on to London...Nairobi...and finally on to Entebbe.

Pray for travel safety.

God bless,



cking said...

Blessings on you! I'll be praying.

Bob & Mel said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you all!

rick elizondo said...

Praying for God's strength and proctection. Knowing that HE has GREAT things in store for each of you!!!:-)

amog4life said...

I cant wait to hear what all God will perform over there. Here is a link to another Africa Art i made for ya'll. Im sure all of you will have your hearts back in Africa even when you return

amog4life said...

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to reading about all the amazing things God will do through you! Big shout out to my BFF Kat. We love you!! The Jackson Five Momma

julie said...

Trina and all the other folks our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Love, Julie

Brittany said...

Hi Aunt B! I am praying for you while you're away on your trip! I know God has a wonderful plan for you all while you're down there! Stay safe and enjoy your time!
Love you

debbie g said...

Praying for you all!
Know god has big plans
and exciting things ahead for
you all!

Jana said...

Keeping you all in my prayers, and cant wait to see pictures of your travels Trina :)

Sandy said...

All of you's are amazing....thoughts and prayers for each one of you. Cant wait to c the pic's and hear the amazing story's.
Love u all...very very much..Sandy (Brenda's Sister)

lawrenceburg resident said...

Thoughts and Prayers are with each and everyone on this trip. Excited to hear the stories and pictures you have to share with us. God Bless to all and enjoy your trip. Be safe.. Love you all.. Donna (Brenda G.--Sister)

Donna said...

Hope that you all are enjoying your trip. Love Donna

jbazar said...

We have been praying for you and hope everyone has arrived safely and with all their things. We will pray for rest and strength for the coming days. We know the Lord will do amazing things.

Unknown said...

Praying that many will be saved.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed catching up with all of you today. All the kids looked amazing. Keep doing your good work, god bless all, Love Trina's mom Beckie

Donna Courter said...

Really enjoying the blog and pictures. Looks like everyone is having fun and and enjoying themselves. love you big sis Brenda, and love you all..

Love, Donna (brendas sister)

Donna Courter said...

Really enjoying the blog and pictures. Looks like everyone is having fun and and enjoying themselves. love you big sis Brenda, and love you all..

Love, Donna (brendas sister)

Ma-mere said...

Hey Trina & gang! SOOO grateful god has given ya'll this opportunity to spread His love so far! May He keep you under His wing till you land on Texas soil again.